Monday, February 11, 2008

Overgrown Backyard Town

Historic Gdera (est. 1884) is known for the unique group of early zionists that founded it. I like it best, however, for its unkempt lawns, its sandy, ramshackle playgrounds and quiet, raggamuffin charm.

On the seesaw is Mimi Asnes of "stranger" fame, who's paying this land a surprise visit. I doubt that she's heard of Gdera before we headed there, so you're actually looking at a place coming down the road and surprising a (seasoned!) traveler.

This trip was also the last I'll be taking with Alon the photographer for our book project covering Israeli towns. Through the project he's become one of my favorite people on earth.

1 comment:

3asl said...

For the record, though I am smaller than Yuval I am not half his size. It's the perspective, people.